
Our goal is simple... 

To help our teachers inspire greatness in their students.

We accomplish this goal through these programs:

Youth Banner Project

Brown Primary, Elementary and Junior High students create banner art, then students and staff vote on their favorite artwork. The top 10 at each campus are incorporated into banner flags, which are flown on flagpoles along Main Street and MLK Drive and will be added to other major roads.

The ongoing banner project partners Smithville Education Foundation with Texas Commission on the Arts, the City of Smithville, Lost Pines Artisans Alliance, Keep Smithville Beautiful, Smithville Area Chamber of Commerce and Smithville ISD. 

Art Enrichment Programming

In cooperation with SISD, Enrichment programming provides sessions throughout the school year in art, age-appropriate yoga, gymnastics, and science and cultural activities that augments students' regular educational lessons. 

 Innovative Teaching Grants

Innovative Teaching Grants support teachers as they bring new classroom practices and equipment into the Smithville Independent School District. To date, Smithville Education Foundation (SEF) has granted over $35,000 for better educational experiences for Smithville students.  

Bastrop County Character Education Program

Our 11x17 Character Trait of the Month posters, delivered to schools and out in the community, teach students and remind residents of good character traits throughout the year. Funds raised through the Bastrop County Character Education poster program support merit-based scholarships for graduates in the county's school districts countywide and help fund character programs. Go to www.BastropCountyCharacterEducation.com to download the scholarship application and learn more about this program. 

Top 10 Percent Graduate Banquet

SEF co-hosts the Top 10% Honors Banquet (Billboards with each honored graduate during COVID) to honor top graduates and their favorite teachers. 

Ongoing service to our school district

Over the years, SEF has participated in many other school projects as requested by SISD. We always look forward to being of service.

There are many ways you can help.


Click HERE for details. 

We LOVE volunteers. Ask how you can volunteer with us. If your student needs ways to obtain their volunteer hours for school organizations, we work with them and help them gain their needed hours for their future.